Over the years, I've made a lot of friends
that have artistic and drawing skills to share. The images you see below
are part of my personal collection of drawings (using various methods) I've
acquired over the years from my friends.
You know the
drill - click the thumbnail to view the big picture (as it were...)
The artwork of David Dietrich |
UM Probe. This is
one of the first drawings Dave made with a drawing application called
TruSpace 3. I can't help but imagine that this one was inspired by
one of his favorite Sci-Fi series, Babylon 5. It very much
resembles something the Vorlons own. |
Flyer. Here's
another 3D rendering done with TruSpace 3. I'm assuming this
little craft is part of the same unit the UMProbe came from. |
Fishbowl. Dave
really likes the rendering power of TruSpace 3. It's an awesome
program with lots of features, as he's demonstrated in this drawing. |
Sulphur Mist. This
is an interesting planetscape Dave made with TruSpace 3. The fog
effects and skinning ability of the application are incredible. |
Temple. And here's
one of Dave's later drawings with TruSpace 3. It's also good at
manipulating perspectives and lighting. I really like this one and
have actually used it as a desktop wallpaper before. |
More to come... |

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