One Man's Scribbles, are Another's Art...
I've been creating
illustrations of various things since I was somewhere around 8
years old. The kids in my classes always wanted me to draw them
"something cool," even when I actually had no talent. I
guess this means they appreciated my efforts and acknowledged
some skill behind my pre-adolescent scrawlings - which means to
me that either they really did suck as illustrators, or maybe I
might have actually had an advantage in this area. I was heavily involved
in Architectural Drafting, and was working towards a career goal of becoming an
Architectural Draftsman. Interestingly enough, as I progressed, I had even
envisioned becoming a Renderist one day - using my drawing skills to actually
render the floor plans, elevations, plot plans, et. al., into an "artist's
perspective" of what the structures would look like. But I made a poor
career move by joining the Air Force since they had other plans for me.
Even today, people
are still requesting a sketch, graphic, drawing, painting, logo, PowerPoint
presentation, or
some form or another of an illustration of just about anything
from me. I know for a fact that my skills have improved over the
years, since I decided at an early age to continue drawing, but I'm
still not quite sure I have what it takes to be an artist.
See, in my opinion,
I'm what the people in the business would refer to as a "Technical
Illustrator." I have the means to convey the images I see
onto (or into, these days) some form of media - and I've gotten
pretty good at it. This means that I can pretty much draw what I
see or envision as it should look - all in proportion and detail.
Unfortunately, I'm almost always labled as an "Artist,"
which might be true if you recognize technical illustration as an
My only problem
with the label "Artist," is that I don't feel I have
the imagination or innovation necessary to really create what
society defines as "Art." I used to joke around while I
was in the Air Force with some friends that one day, when I got
out of the military, I would obtain some good drugs, get hammered,
and emerge with the warped sense of reality that would allow me
to fit in to society's parameters of "Artist." That's
also my "subtle" way of making notice that the term
"Art" should not include some of the garbage I've seen
clumped into those parameters - you would have to really know me to
have gotten that the first time without explanation.
Obviously, I haven't
made good my joke (which is a good thing - I couldn't have
afforded it, anyway) and am still happily stuck in the mediocre
world of technical illustration.
Currently, I'm able to utilize pencil, ink,
chalk, charcoal, colored pencils, markers, paintbrushes (large and small),
airbrush, and spray-paint on various media. I'm also working a lot with
PaintShop Pro X, Corel DRAW!, Corel PhotoPAINT!, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint, Visio, and even the
lowly MS-Paint now and then, utilizing the mouse as well as a Summagraphics
Summasketch III 12"x12" drawing tablet I bought a few years back.
Having read this
far, you deserve to sample some of my work. Some of it has been
scanned in from the various mediums which I use to create the
illustrations - mostly paper - and some are from pictures of the
finished product. Others were created using various illustration
software packages over the past few years (yes, even MS-Paint).
Enjoy them if you
can, and if you decide to use them for your own purposes, please
mention my name. Who knows - Maybe after I'm dead they'll be worth something. By the way, all of the graphics on this site
were created by me, with the exception of the commercially
produced product labels, the images of real objects, and any other
icons for commercially produced items. Which doesn't actually leave a whole lot done by
me, but there it is.
You know the
drill - click the thumbnail to view the big picture (as it were...). Use
the 'Back' button on your browser to return to this page.
Newer Stuff |
This is the entry I came
up with for the San Angelo Art Club's "Anything Goes... Almost" art
contest in April 2007. It's pencil on recycled sketch paper.
I used a few 'new' techniques I'd never tried before to make this -
using cotton swabs/balls to lay down the lighter values, and using the Artgum eraser to define the 'whites.' I've also [finally]
conquered the pesky habit of outlining everything as well. This is
definitely the nicest thing I've ever done, and the first thing I've
seriously done in about 11 years. Only took me a bout 5 hours,
too. It's actually hanging in the living room. |
During the 2006 Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, my pal came up from San Antonio and asked
if I could paint some flames on his truck. Click on the picture to
see how it turned out. |
In spring 2006, I busted
out the airbrush and decided to learn how to paint flames using the Tru-Fire
technique. Of course, there's nothing cooler than painting actual
car or motorcycle parts with flames and a friend was willing to see what
I could come up with. This is a page with some pictures and
explanation on how I did it all. |
My wife's into Egyptian
Mythology, so I decided one day to create a desktop wallpaper for her
machine. Here's what I came up with playing with PhotoShop 6.
Sometime in August 2005. |
This one's a little out
of the norm for artwork. Again, my wife loves Egyptian mythology,
and in an effort to get in there an support her, I modded her computer
case. I painted the case to look like a big piece of sandstone...
which it mostly does.
(Click here to see the
case on another page) This image was on a clock she bought for our
bathroom, and I decided to put it on the left panel. Magic markers
and a China pencil (the white areas) over Fleckstone Sandstone paint on
a computer case. |
Here's one of the other
side of the her computer mod. This one was put together using
separate images of Horus and Anubis found on the internet. The
hieroglyphs were pulled from a translator site and actually spell out a
message. The scarab is taken from the 'Journey - Greatest Hits' CD
(her favorite band), and the Unreal Tournament logo was included, since
it's one of her favorite computer games. Magic markers and a China
pencil (the white areas) over Fleckstone Sandstone paint on a computer
case. |

A computer altered graphic that I had fun
with through PaintShop Pro 4... Way back in 1999. |

The same picture, except hand-sketched one night at work -
when I had a boring lull - and a crappy drawing too. Originally drawn in
4h pencil and ball-point pen on bond paper in 1999. |

I read a book called "Mutineer's Moon" a few years back and was inspired to draw this one. I used some clips of the moon and earth and used Caligari's
TrueSpace3 to render the engine pod. Then used PaintShop Pro 5 to blend
it all in. Because the moon clip was so small, it made the overall
drawing very short in height. I'm planning to revisit this one someday
as well. I made this sometime in 1999. |

An MS-Paint sketch of "the Boys."
Man, was I bored at work that day... Circa 1994. |

Another MS-Paint sketch, this time of my
Jeep - got bored at work again one day...this one was
actually pretty fun. Sometime in 1998. Liberal use of the
'Airbrush' function is what you see here. |

A Corel Draw 5 graphic of my old squadron's
emblem I helped design - and later painted on damn near
everything. I'm responsible for the gauntlet grasping the arrows.
I originally drew it with a big ol' lightning bolt, but someone wanted
arrows instead. They shoulda gone with the lightning bolt, but oh
well. I think it was sometime around 1994. |

A friend of mine at work wanted to see if I could draw. He asked me to draw a vampire bat - comic book-style. Here's what I came up with. This is another of my drawings on my Elfwood Gallery.
Originally drawn in 1993 with 4H and H pencil on art paper. |

A hand-drawn image, scanned in and etched on
glass for an award given by my old squadron for
Mentorship. Originally hand-drawn in 1995 on bond paper and scanned.
This is a negative image to better depict the etching. |
Old Stuff |

I've had this pipe dream about designing my
own car - something like this - started way back in high
school. Originally drawn in 1988 with with Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph
Technical pens on Mylar. I need to get some more of my development
drawings of this car put up. I really did put a lot of thought
into it over the years. |

I drew this one while stationed in Turkey. Hopefully, I'll even finish it one day with my computer, I've got some new ideas on how this should look. This is also
in my Elfwood Gallery. Originally drawn in 1989 with pencil and Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Technical pens on bond paper. |

I drew this one in response to one of my friend in high school drafting class as a Freshman. He drew this really cool picture, and I tried to out-do him. On one hand, I've got more detail, but his drawing was better-done. I still like mine and also have the only copy of his drawing (he actually gave it to me...).
4H, 2H, and H pencil on white art paper. |

I drew this one while staying at a friend's house one weekend while in high school. His little
cousin had this cool toy and I drew it, and then added a few things and a background. I should've given it to them, but wound up hanging onto it. Look for some of Tate's
work on a new page I'm working on. 4H and HB pencil on bond paper. |
Old Stuff Retouched |

A hand-drawn character sketch from my 'Fantasy Hero
days of LONG ago,' but retouched with Corel PhotoPaint 8. It's been added to my Elfwood Gallery.
Originally drawn in 1989 with Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Technical pens and
Pentel markers, and cleaned up through Corel PhotoPaint in 2000 - still
needs work though... one of these days I'll get back to it. |

Another character sketch from my 'D&D days of Even Longer Ago,' cleaned up with Corel PhotoPaint 8. This is another of my drawings on my Elfwood Gallery.
Originally drawn in 1985 with Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Technical pens and
Pentel markers, and retouched with Corel PhotoPaint in 2000. |

One of my only actual inspired fantasy drawings that's not a character sketch from Long Ago, cleaned up with Corel PhotoPaint 8. This is also one of my drawings on my Elfwood Gallery.
Originally drawn in 1989 with Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Technical pens and
Pentel markers, and cleaned up through Corel PhotoPaint in 2000. |
A long time ago I became a member of the Elfwood Online Fantasy/Sci-Fi Art Gallery. Check out what I've put up there and what some of the other folks have said about my work.
You can find my stuff in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Art gallery Room 69
There's more on the way now that I've rediscovered how much fun it is to draw and render on the computer...check back now and then for more of my work. But as you can see -
it's fairly well detailed, but painfully unimaginative. Oh well, that's
basically me anyway.

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