It all started with me failing a Geometry class in High School, and later finding out that the Computer Science courses they offered would make up that math credit.
Plus, my buddy Bob had an Atari 500ST that his dad bought to help him learn about computers - although we goofed around playing games more than anything
(never did get that simulated 747 off the ground...). After learning Apple Basic and Apple Pascal on the school's Franklin Ace 1000's, I moved on to the
CAD program in my drafting class. I was hooked at that point.
I joined the Air Force in October 1986 with the hopes of becoming a CAD operator/Civil
Engineering architect, but failed a color vision test and was placed into the 491x1 (later 3C0X1) career field -
Communications/Computer Operator. I learned how to operate mainframe computers and their peripherals. Yeah, I know...that was pretty close to drafting
(rolling my eyes as I type this...). I learned the ins and outs of the
"old iron" mainframes - Sperry 1100/60, VAX 750, 785 & 8650, PDP 11/70, and some
Honeywell system I never saw again after tech school.
After leaving the Air Force in '96, I became a maintenance technician on a mainframe computer system - which is pretty challenging, but still not drafting.
I'd worked with mostly Digital equipment back when you actually had to repair
things rather than jus swap components and toss out the bad ones. I had bought an Amiga 500
several years before, loved using it, and even increased my collection to 4
A500s, as friends would move away and ask if I would be interested in their
A500s. But as most people will say, the Amiga was just not recognized by the world as a substantial computer - stupid world.
So, I got my first Windows-based PC a few weeks after becoming a civilian.
I got the hottest machine I could afford at the time ($3000 for a Cyrix 166+ loaded
with 32MB RAM, 2.1GB hard drive, 33.6 US Robotics modem, and an awesome ATI
Radeon video card with some Altec Lansing ACS-500 surround speakers) in October 1996, and rapidly watched the market take off while my machine was
quickly left in the dust both in horsepower and affordability. I was learning why I loved my Amiga so much all those years...it didn't require an annual budget of
$1000 to keep the beast up with current technology standards.
Over the past several years (err... decades - damn), these machines have taught me a lot about computers, gotten my menial tasks done, helped me become a better illustrator, kept me from
getting bored when there's not much to do or on TV, kept me from getting my chores done, and helped
keep the bank account from getting too full... but I love playing with them and as
long I can, I'll have at least one computer taking over a corner somewhere in my house.
Over the past few years, I've earned several Industry recognized IT
Certifications, including: A+, MCP & MCSA. and CISSP - which fall more in line my current job requirements as an IT Systems Security Professional.
Check out the blog for the
latest PC Tweakin' fun (or 'not so much fun,' in some cases) |
Most of my machines listed below... I built all of them (except for
the laptops, of course), and they've been my work-horses over the years:
Top Dawg 2.0 |
Here is Top Dawg 2.0. I've given up on
stuffy ATX 'pizza box' cases that have limited airflow, in favor of a 3U
rack mount server case.
Pak'het |
Her new machine - a World of Warcraft (WoW)
themed case. It's a beast, and runs WoW at full-rez without even
bringing the fans up from idle. |
Top Dawg |
Was my main machine, now retired. It's the one that did all my computer-related
tasks and keeps all my publishing-type tasks organized, as well as got
me online. |
Her old machine - one of my first custom builds. Not really much more
than a paintjob and an LED lit front window. |
Big Dawg
This was my main machine after I'd learned how to build a network.
Now, it's more of a back-up machine and hardly gets used. |
I got bit by the case-mod bug, and decided to build a NASCAR-themed
machine. It became the webserver and new 'Guard Dawg' for awhile,
but has been retired since. |
Guard Dawg
The network workhorse. At one time it was: file server, NAT box,
firewall, media streaming server, webserver, and Unreal Tournament
server (when that was the hot game of the day). |
I was still into case modding and decided to build a custom case for
my pal Jim. He's from New Mexico, hence the theme.
Dumpster Mac
My current laptop - found in a dumpster, refurbed, and my best deal
ever. |
My sister-in-law asked if I could build a custom computer for her son.
He's into skulls and whatnot - it was fun. |
My 2nd laptop - rescued from a co-worker who had no idea what he was
doing. |
Kevin's NASCAR
I built another NASCAR machine for the nephew of a friend after he saw
a picture of Rusty.
Building this machine was pretty special for me. Kevin's had inoperable
brain cancer.
Unfortunately, Kevin lost his battle with cancer earlier in May 2006. But
I'm pretty sure he's up in heaven playing with Legos and NASCAR Racing on a
much better machine. |

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