Building Pak'het - Summer/Fall 2020
OK - before you get
started and wonder why I'm rambling on without showing any pictures - they're at
the bottom.
This project came
about as an upgrade to Anubis, to support the upcoming World of Warcraft
expansion pack that demanded Windows 10, DirectX12, and better hardware.
She wanted me to just stuff the new gear into the old mATX Anubis, but I told
her that it wouldn't fit and even if I could make it fit, it would burn up
because of poor air circulation. I told her I would build her a whole new
machine and give the case a custom look. She reluctantly agreed, thinking
I was just going to throw Anubis away (ummm... No - I worked too hard on it just
to toss it out). So, I got onto Newegg and started dumping things into the
cart, and before I knew it, I'd pretty much spent her 2020 economic stimulus
check... but hey, I shouldn't need to upgrade this sucker for a few years.
The system specs: Fractal Design 'Focus-G'
mid-tower case
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How it happened:
I got the parts a few days later and
started brainstorming on how I was going to put this whole thing together.
Initially, I was just going to etch the World of Warcraft logo into the window,
paint a map mural on the backside panel, and put a Horde logo on the front to be
backlit by the red fans. After I got the machine built and running with
Win10, I drug my feet on painting the case because it was so hot and my
shop/shed was like an oven, so it sat for a few months which gave me more time
to come up with some more cool ideas. I saw some case mods where the
builders had made them look like hammered & distressed metal, so I decided to go
that route.
Meanwhile, I etched the WoW logo onto the window and painted the Anderhal map
mural on the backside panel, but soon discovered I'd gotten the orientation 90
degrees off. Crap! Not wanting to sand it all down and start over, I
contacted Fractal Design and ordered a new back panel so I could do it again,
correctly this time. By the time I received the new panel (which they sent
me without charging for it - they're awesome, BTW), the temps had come down
(mid-October) so I got busy.
I decided to embellish the WoW logo on the window, and also decided to try out
the hammered & distressed metal finish. I learned how to make faux rust as
well, and went nuts with it after I painted and scuffed up the case (the whole
shop still smells like cinnamon as a result). I
also enlisted the help of my pal Rob Mroweic and his 3D printers to crank out
the Horde emblem, along with a Horde shield I was planning on giving a
distressed stone & metal treatment, bit once I hit the front face of both pieces
with some 400-grit, it looked absolutely awesome... so I left them both there.
The emblem was glued to the front panel, back lit by the red fans, and the
shield was glued to the mural on the back panel, finishing that off nicely.
I love how it came out.
Well, that's pretty
much it. Nothing major, nothing spectacular beyond the red-lit fans, window
etching, and paint. So far, my wife seems to be happy with it, both how it
performs and how it looks.
Build pics:
Click on any of the thumbnails for larger pictures.