I've always enjoyed building models since I
was a kid. I've built WWII fighter planes, space vehicles, architectural
models of buildings I designed in high school, fighter jets, sci-fi models, and
cars... lots of cars. Everything from a 1/32 snap-together Corvette, to a
1/12th scale Lamborghini Countach that cost me almost $100 back in the summer of
My first kit was a Monogram Rattler, a street
rod, which is no longer produced and is now extremely rare, but I'm on kind of a
quest to rebuild all the kits I had as a kid and many more. Some of my
favorite things to build are "movie & TV" models and scale replicas of real cars
I've owned (or even some of the cooler ones my friends have had).
You know the
drill - click the thumbnail to view the big picture (as it were...). Use
the 'Back' button on your browser to return to this page.
The Worklog Blog |
The Bench |
So, I'm trying to keep a log of all the work I'm
doing, and it's been hit or miss. I figured I'd just add a
category to the main site blog in hope of catching things up without
having to write-up new pages all the time. Click here to go there:
Here's my new work bench, established in Dec 2015 on one
of the sections of my computer desk. It's nice having it
co-located with the computer so I can look up various things for
reference on techniques and images of the various things I'm building.
Over Christmas 2018 into 2019, I made some space in
the shed on the side of my driveway for an airbrush workstation.
So far, so good.
On The Bench - 26 March 2018 |
So, I finished up the Jeep, and decided to grab
a new kit and revisit a model I'd built around 30 years ago. I bought my
1982 Mustang GL in June 1987 and built a model of it
sometime later that year or maybe the next in 1988 - I don't remember
for sure. Model kits weren't as easy to come by back then,
especially finding a specific kit, so when I ran across an MPC '84
Silver Anniversary Mustang GT kit, I figured, "close enough," and went
for it. First mistake - not even the same car. Oh well.
Somehow, I managed to hang onto it all this time and pulled it out again
thinking, "WTF was I thinking when I built it back then?! I had
the full-size version just outside in the parking lot for reference, yet
I built 'THAT.'" I made so many rookie mistakes on that kit, it's not
even funny - I'd painted the radiator hoses silver, of all things! I'd
swiped the wheels from a Dodge D-50 Ram kit because they were 'close
enough,' and even taken some artistic liberties with some of the details
and features... despite having the real thing for reference. What
a hot mess, looking at it now.
Fast forward to March 2018, and here we are taking on
another project to 'right the wrong' again - I'm going to make a
faithful representation of my first car this time... not some weird,
adolescent-driven pipe-dream. I'd scored the correct model '79-'82
Mustang in the form of an MPC Mustang Turbo Cobra kit off ebay. I
also found some correct chrome 'nugget' rims (with the right bolt
pattern and everything) from a parts reseller on ebay as well. The
kit has pretty much everything I need to built the car with minimal
scratch-building required. Here we go!
First things first, I found some reference pics of
the real Mustang GLs (engine, interior, etc.) and started building the
chassis. I also found some Tamiya weathering kits and gave the
chassis a little more realistic detail this go 'round.
I'm really glad I went with rebuilding this one from a new kit, to
redeem myself after the original kit (disaster) and add yet another
tribute model of the cars I've owned over the years.
Completed Models |
25 March 2018 - Got another one done! I'd started this one even earlier
in 1995, worked on it a bit, moved houses a few times, worked on it some more,
boxed it back up, and finally got back to it in mid-Feb 2018. Took a few
months to clean it up, tear it down, re-engineer the wheels, scratch-build some
custom things found on the full-size Jeep, and just get it done to the point
where I was happy with the outcome. It's actually very close to the
full-size Jeep - I guess my skills are improving as I get back into it. |
19 Feb 2018 - My first completed kit (well, mostly)
of the modern era of my model building career!
A "tribute" model of my 1995 Honda Civic VX. I bought it back in 2007
or so, and started the kit shortly after (probably 2008-ish). I put
it aside for whatever reason, and came back to it in December 2015. It's
a Hasegawa 'curbside' kit (no engine details or opening hood), and I found some
aftermarket wheels to match the ones I'd bought for the full-size version, so
the kit came out pretty close to the full-size version. |

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