Windshield… bug… not sure which one I am

Some days are just an exercise in futility. After noticing the A/C – alternator belt wasn’t lined up properly last night, I decided to try and adjust the aftermarket A/C compressor mount… only, there’s no adjusting it. Crap. So, I put it all back together with a couple of shims on the lower alternator brackets and got it as close as I could. Also, cleaned up, painted, and reinstalled the coil bracket I made to hang off the spare holes in the A/C compressor. I am now right about where I was 3 days ago, except for a few more wires trimmed up and the coil bracket finished up. And some people think I should work on cars for a living – LOL!

Didn’t like the way the A/C – alternator belt lined up after yesterday’s effort, so I pulled it all apart, hoping to somehow adjust the A/C bracket and use 3-belts… but, Nope. No joy there.
Got it all put back together, and with a couple shims in the lower alternator brackets, it’s a lot better than it was when I started a few days ago.
Still a bit of a mess after 3 days of fartin’ around (basically), but I did get the start solenoid wired up and finished the coil bracket.
Dave should be proud of me for actually putting my tools away.