Today, we installed the steering column, brake & clutch pedal assembly, power steering pump, and wiring harness from Dookie. The new brake booster kit I’d ordered from Summit Racing turned out to be too big to fit with the MC2100 upgrade I’d done, so after we figured out the OE booster was still good, we installed it along with the new master cylinder from the kit and bled the brakes after a trip to O’Reilly’s for some vacuum hose junctions and over to HF for a vacuum brake bleeder kit.

A bit later, we got the brake booster vacuum plumbed and decided that since the intake valves were stuck closed because of the missing lifters, gave the key a turn and it actually fired up – ran like crap, but it ran.

Counted our blessings and put the repop fenders I’d picked up with the Jeep on… then called it a day.