New Jeep Tech pages

I finally decided to chronicle some of the bigger projects on the Jeep with new Jeep Tech pages.

In addition to the Jeep Corners page,

I’ve added the following:
Spare Tire Rack:
Nerf Bars & Front Bumper:

All of these projects happened back in 2009-2010 before I started in on the Mach 1. Some new upcoming projects include:
– Engine mods (Clifford Intake, Borla Header, Holley Sniper Fuel Injection, valve job, clean up the engine compartment)
– Adapt the TJ seat brackets to fit the seats better
– Full carpet & insulate the hard top
– Do something different with the Mister 4×4 graphics


1st Car Show of 2020

Benefit show for one of the guys from the local Corvette club – his daughter has some pretty serious medical appointments in DFW, and money was raised to help offset the costs for transportation and lodging. It was an awesome turn out with 91 cars and raised over $2500 for the Vasquez family.

Stephen Horton took a bunch of awesome pics. Here’s a link to his Photo Album.

Stephenintx Flickr Photo Album – 2020-02-29 Benefit Car Show for Vasquez Family

Elks Lodge Veteran’s Day Car Show

Great turn-out today for the Elks Lodge Veteran’s Day Car Show at Car Town Hyundai. I had a blast hangin’ out with all the cool car guys and their cool cars on such nice day! Frank even pulled a Top 40 Award as well! Thanks to Stephen Horton for all the cool pics (I was BSing with my pals and forgot to walk around for pics). Here’s a link to his Flickr album:…/ste…/albums/72157711713858528/page1

2019 Joe’s Bar & Grill Car Show

Had a blast at yesterday’s JB&G Car Show – Frank pulled a “Top 50” award as well. Unfortunately, my camera battery died 2/3 of the way through getting pics of all the cars, along with some of the ones I’d wanted to get while parked on the lawn, but my pal Stephen Horton came through with his pics.

Here’s a link to his Flikr Photo Album:

2019 Ruckus at the Rec Camp Car Show

Last Saturday: Took Frank to a local car show.  Didn’t win anything, but had a great time.  My friend Jordan Barnett bought my pal Jim’s ’63 1/2 Galaxie 500 XL, got it running, and brought it out to the show.  It was good to see it finally out on the road.  He’s planning on continuing the vision Jim had for the car… I can’t wait to see what he comes up with.

Monday: I ordered a new horn/mounting kit for my Jeep’s Grant Challenger steering wheel, along with a new Mustang hat and complete set of lug nuts (since I can’t seem to find the nice ones I ordered for the Mustang awhile back – lost somewhere in the garage).  It all just showed up a few minutes ago.  Wow – Summit Racing, knocking it out of the park again!

New Carpet

OK – MUCH better!

Here is the first attempt at ‘carpet’ using some course embossing powder (need to pay attention to the label next time):

And here’s the second attempt, with the lower door panel carpet pieces, and some cream-colored flock to make ‘sheepskin’ seat covers:

I even left the pile of brown gravel I scraped off from the first attempt in the picture. Hopefully, I’ll get a good shot to get this one finished this coming Labor Day weekend.

Cars & Coffee @ The Corral

Went out to a third Cars & Coffee event starting up in San Angelo yesterday!  Apparently, people weren’t happy with the change in venue for C&C and decided to strike out on their own with another event – which makes 3 C&C-like events in San Angelo now.  Wow!  I heard some griping by the high-exotic/Corvette crowd that took over the original C&C and moved it away from Golden Corral to a local bar parking lot – which was to be expected, I suppose.  Hey – not everybody wants to go to lunchtime drinking events in their expensive hot rods, I guess.

My pal Gonzo showed up with his awesome ’70 Camaro Z/28. We had a blast BSing and checking out all the cool cars.

Here’s the link to my pal Stephen Horton’s Flickr album:…2QrzIwDuUM

Cars & Coffee at Fuzzy’s Tacos

Last Sunday:  Well, it turns out my ‘starter’ problem was more of a weak battery issue.  I hadn’t realized that the battery was over 6 years old (they don’t last that long around here).  After spending a few weeks dreading having to crawl under the car to swap out the starter motor in 100+ temps, I figured I’d grab another starter solenoid (since the one on the car right now came from a buddy’s truck when the one I’d bought was bad out of the box).  While I was at the O’Reilly’s, I thought about the battery situation and decided to bite the bullet and grab an Optima Red Top (they didn’t have any yellow tops).  I got home and swapped out the batteries, figured I’d hit the key just for fun, and it fired right up – the starter sounded just as strong as ever (no lag… must’ve been the battery all along).

This morning I went out to the garage, put the key in the ignition, turned it, and it fired right up.  So, I took it over to Cars & Coffee and had some breakfast while hangin’ out with my car-guy buddies.

Wow – someone needs to tell that old fat guy to lose some weight and quit setting his drinks on the windshield washer bottle.