Got a few things done today. I lined up the half doors with some pin-style strikers: Black Mountain units from Collins Bros Jeep, so they at least close now. Also buzzed off the front (fender) pieces of the diamond-plate rocker pieces – I have some repop fenders to replace these nasty old things, and I’ll be doing the ‘clamshell’ treatment I did on Dookie about 15 years ago with the new fenders. Also surveyed the engine compartment and sprayed down some PB Blaster to get ready for Saturday’s fun.
Looks like a big rusty mess, but my ’71 Mach 1’s engine was worse, and seized as well. This one at least turns. I’m hoping the brake booster is still good.
After some major cleaning of the garage, picking up some big tools (26-gallon air compressor, low-profile transmission jack, full set of wheel skates, and a tow bar), I’m finally ready to bring Dave’s Jeep home from Harry’s back yard.
My wife decided we needed to rename the Jeeps, since Dave’s Jeep is being pieced together from others, it’s now “Klooge.” “Klooge” was a name Dave used to use for his toon when we played Unreal Tournament so many years ago, so I asked my wife if I needed to rename mine to “Dookie” (my toon’s name), and just like that… “Dookie” it is. My wife likes to name our vehicles, and she’s pretty much a genius about it, as well… so, it’s all good.
Here we are in front of Harry’s house with Klooge hooked up to Clifford (The Big Red Dodge – wife’s fault again, LOL). It towed like a dream… probably would’ve been even better with the right amount of air in the tires. LOL!
Tow bar from Tractor Supply for only $150. Not a bad deal. Did just fine.
Finally found a use for the bumperettes, since there’s so much bondo on the side panel, and since the diamond plate’s non-ferrous…
And here we are in the driveway. Klooge and Dookie, brothers reunited, and will be donors for a major heart transplant between the two.
Tomorrow, I start in on getting Klooge ready to pull the 304 & TF-999.
Don’t worry, the Mach 1 is safety tucked away in the garage, and I have some motivation for a quick turn on this project, since Klooge is blocking it in – ain’t goin’ nowhere until I get this Jeep out of the way. Not to mention, the wife’s not all that impressed by having her car hanging halfway out from under the carport… even MORE motivation to get these engines swapped in the next few days.
So here’s the map mural side after distressing the crap out of it. She likes it like this, but there’s a Horde shield I was planning on adding. (see the next pic)
Here it is with the Horde shield my buddy Rob Mrowiec made with his 3D printer. Just sanded the top surfaces and like it like this. (temporarily taped on since I lost the glue gun)
I went a little nuts with the Dremel and etched the window
Here’s the front with the Horde symbol Rob Mrowiec made with his 3D printer. Sanded the surface and thought it looked awesome just like this.
The red lit fans aren’t doing exactly what I wanted them to do, but looks a lot cooler than this pic.
Here we are all lit up – kinda hard to get the full effect with the shop lights being so bright.
I put my thumb over the camera flash and turned out the shop lights – looks pretty cool.
Top down with the blow hole fans.
I don’t know… I like it better with the Horde shield.
Finally got a chance to redo the map mural on the side panel (correctly aligned and everything). Gotta have the case done by the end of the weekend though, since Blizzard’s been so flaky with their new expansion pack release date. It gets crazy from here.
Went to Austin, TX last Saturday and scored a complete ’86 258/T-5/D300 for my pal’s ’86 Golden Eagle, and found me a 304/TF-999 for my ’80 CJ-7. Of all the luck, the 304/TF-999 came with an ’80 CJ-7 Laredo, which I’m thinking my other BFF needs a Jeep project, once I swap the 304/TF-999 for my 258/T-176. Also scored an early YJ top for mine (I like the bigger windows), and grabbed some half doors, a YJ soft top, and some ‘like new’ CJ fenders for my pal’s new project.
I got really super lucky. My buddy Harry was looking for a ‘new’ 258 for his Jeep, and found a guy on Austin Craigslist selling the ’80 Laredo, since I’d mentioned a long time ago wanting to swap in an AMC V8 & TF-999 – we were originally thinking of me getting the Jeep, swapping the 304 & TF-999 into mine, using the Jeep for parts, and giving him the 258/T-176, but then he noticed the same guy had another ad for the ’86 258/T-5/D300 also for sale. He decided to go for that, and I also found a bunch of other listings (an ’89 258/TF-999/D300 and thought about getting that, but then I asked my other buddy Dave if I got the Jeep, if he’d be interested in a project Jeep after I swapped in my 258/T-176 – which he was indeed interested).
So, I’ve had yet another car-related “SQUIRREL!” moment, but at least it’s not a ‘new’ car project… just freshening up an old one and hookin’ up my BFF with a new toy. At least it’s not as bad as my Mustang project started out – with the engine and tranny from my Jeep in there, at least it’ll be a runner when Dave comes to pick it up.
Here’s the metal side panel all taped up ready for some paint.
Here’s my first run at the WoW map mural I had stuck in my head. This is just the background art for something special I have planned as the main feature. But, I screwed it up and forgot which side was ‘Up.’ (hint: the bolts on the bottom secure the panel to the back of the case, so it’s 90-degrees off)
I decided to etch the World of Warcraft logo into the window, which turned out OK… but it’s a little lonely out there by itself.
Finally got the machine fired up and loaded with Win10 and WoW. I love the red lights, and it’s actually pretty quiet, considering it’s missing its side panels at this time.
So I pretty much blew my wife’s stimulus check on the gear to build a super hot-rod gaming computer for her. I decided to make it WoW-themed and hopefully, a little over the top. Fractal Design makes awesome computer cases, and I’m hoping they’ll like it enough for their case mod gallery when I’m done.
Here’s the gear:
Fractal Design Focus mid-tower case ASUS TUF B450-Plus AM4 AMD RYZEN 7 2700 8-core CPU G.Skill Ripjaws V 16GBx2 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Crucial MX500 1B SATA III SSD Thermaltake Toughpower GX1 500W power supply Lite-On Super AllWrite 24X SATA DVD+/-RW Rosewill RDCR-11004 Data Hub
Had a GREAT time at the American Legion Car Show today! Got to see my good friend Dutch, and hang out with a bunch of cool car guys again. What’s not to love?!
Frank pulled a ‘Top 30’ award, and we raised over $1900 for the American Legion. I might actually wind up joining, as well.
Here’s Frank next to Ken Barros’s awesome ’69 GT-500. Thanks to Kevin Tyler for sharing his pics – I forgot my camera [again].
Finally got a chance for C&C after COVID-19 Lock Down. Went to Fuzzy’s Tacos and had a GREAT time with all the cool car guys. Went by Stan’s place after and helped stuff goodie bags for the upcoming American Legion Car Show.
Stephen Horton took a bunch of cool pics as well.
Here’s one showing my good friend and optometrist (Ed Grimes and his wife) Frank’s ‘Baby Book,’ with all the gory details of the restoration.
Here’s one of his ‘artsy’ shots – which is my new desktop wallpaper, BTW.