After chasing down the missing parts, and chasing my tail on a few things, it’s finally done and ready to go back in.

After chasing down the missing parts, and chasing my tail on a few things, it’s finally done and ready to go back in.
Discount Tire let me know that my new wheels were in, so I picked ’em up this morning and swapped out the old ones. The Jeep’s only about an inch taller (over all), so it still fits in the garage, but the old ones were 26 years old and I wouldn’t be able to trust them at speed on the highway.
Despite all the bad news this weekend, I was able to get a few more things done on the steering column. Took it all apart and re-routed the shifter indicator bulb wire, and used the screws I picked up from the hardware store this morning to secure the signal switch (rather than some wood screws I’d found – much better). I was also able to find a good screw to fasten the signal stalk and even mounted up the shifter indicator, and learned that I need a different needle (indicator) since the original was broken off. Unfortunately, the SAE steering wheel nut needs to be ‘the metric one,’ and I’m still missing the tension spring for the locking plate, so I’ll get those ordered to hopefully be here by next weekend.
Almost got the steering column back together today. It was missing some key pieces when I picked up the Jeep, so I need to track a few more small parts down, and it should be GTG. I love being able to jam with Dennis Allen at KWFR The Fire on these weekdays off… it’s like he’s right there helping me along playing all the best tunes! Thanks again, Brother!
All cleaned up and painted, loaded up with the signal combination switch, ignition switch, and key/lock switch. The surface rust on the shifter stalk came right off, along with the schmootz on the tilt stalk. Just gotta find a shifter knob, signal stalk, hazard switch button, steering wheel nut & spacer, then it should all go back together and will be ready to toss in the Jeep.
Here’s the automatic shifter indicator from the original column, found in a box in the back of the Jeep. The previous owners had broken it off, so it looks like I might need to epoxy it back on, or come up with something else, but it cleaned up really nice (all you could see was dirt in the window. Gotta find a new bulb and clean up the socket for it to work again.
Had a ‘Bench Work’ day working on the steering column. It’s actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The top bearing plastic cage disintegrated at some point before the Jeep came to me, so the steering wheel was flopping about. The key/lock switch was completely missing, and some of the other parts were in a box where the back seat should’ve been. I ordered everything new that I could and started in on it today. My buddy Dennis Allen at KWFR was rockin’ the jams today, and even hooked me up with Red Barchetta to kick off the 5-O’clock Fast Lane with a shout out. Best DJ EVER! Thanks, Man!
Light day today. Cleaned up the brake pedal assembly and starting in on the steering column.
Big Shout Out to my pal Harry LaClair for coming over and helping stuff the 304, TF999, and Dana300 into the Jeep! Couldn’t have done it without you! Now the real fun can begin (rebuilding the steering column, installing the fuel injection, headers, exhaust, radiator, power brakes, rebuilding the wiring harness, etc., etc., etc.). Don’t look too closely at the top of the engine… all that old junk is getting replaced with new go-fast goodies.
So, after cleaning all of the bolts I soaked overnight in Simple Green, the engine is painted. Well… Okay… everything except the top end, which all of those components (intake manifold, valve covers, distributor, et al) are getting replaced. My focus was to get this sucker in the Jeep, and work on the rest later. Tomorrow, get the engine mounts cleaned up & painted, then stuff it in.
Pulled the water pump – eewww… nasty. Also popped the oil pump cap off and cleaned out what I could behind it. The aftermarket mechanical oil pressure sending unit is now in the bin as well – gotta find the right fitting to put a proper electric oil pressure sender back on. Also got the rest of the main body of the block cleaned up with a conical wire brush… that little die grinder really blows through the air in the compressor – seems like it ran non-stop once I started using it. Also dropped all of the bolts for the oil pan and water pump in a jar of Simple Green to soak. Hopefully, that’ll clean them up.
Tomorrow, install the new water pump and oil pan, tape off a few things, and paint this sucker.
Got most of the gunk off the engine today. Just need to figure out how to pull the timing cover tomorrow to finish up and paint the block. After that, it’s ready to go in.