Nice day today, got a chance to work on the Jeep a bit. Cleaned up a few things, completed a handful of wiring extensions, trimming, tipping, and sheathing. Hopefully, get some more done tomorrow.
Still loving the fenders swinging open – sure makes things a lot easier to sit down for stripping, soldering, shrinking, and sheathing the wires.

Getting closer. The big hose slung over the top is for the A/C – which will not be done for the first fire-up, just tied-up out of the way, more than anything. The bundle of wiring toward the bottom right is for the headlights and signals.

Almost got this side done. Just gotta trace out the red wire on the diagram, then clip, strip, tip and hook-up both it and the gray wire to the starter solenoid. Once I get the battery cables in there, I’ll decide if I need a heat shield/bracket to keep things tidy and off the headers. Looks like I’ll need to paint that coil bracket, after all – oh well, need to make some adjustments to it, anyway.

Gonna clean this all up when I swap out the heater for the aftermarket HVAC system. I wish I would’ve paid closer attention when I bought the Nostalgic Air HVAC system – this Jeep originally came with factory A/C, but I removed it back in the ’90s. It’s going to look totally different with the new carpet kit, stereo head unit, and cleaned up… especially, with an automatic steering column and no clutch pedal.

I love the bigger glass on this early YJ top. Wish it didn’t have the wiper, though. Oh well. I’d be more enthusiastic about removing the leaves, but the massive red oak in the front yard is even halfway done dropping its leaves yet.