When Dave and I pulled the transmission & TCase out of Klooge, we saw this big ol’ chunk of grease, gunk, and farmland. In trying to get Klooge to a point Dave could take him home, I put this aside (under Dookie) and just got back to it today. Using a flat metal scraper, flat blade screw drivers, some awls & picking tools, a wire brush, and a serving spoon I found that had been re-purposed as a tool (somehow), I managed to get most of the crud removed. Still need to do more, but I’m getting close to almost being able to stuff it up under Dookie.
Here we are after getting a bunch of the farmland removed from the skid plate.You know it’s pretty bad when you need to almost chisel the gunk off before you can take the wire brush to it. That stuff must’ve been around 1/4″ thick in places.Here we are after about an hour of scraping and scrubbing the other side with the metal scraper and wire brush. Notice the clod of farmland stuffed in under the transfer case.Here we are just before it started getting too dark to see. Still got more to go, but almost there. I must’ve removed around 30 or so ‘spoonfuls’ of greasy, sandy gunk by this point.