Ah! Good info to have! Thanks, John!
Got a little more done today. Everything’s disconnected on the engine, removed the radiator, and got the brake pedal out. It actually just came loose from the 4 bolts on the firewall, and that was that. The steering column mount ties it into the bracket to the top of the cowl – once I’d pulled the column mount, the brake pedal was already loose – BONUS!

Also confirmed that the engine is already loaded up with an Edelbrock Performer intake – SCORE! Now, I have a tough decision to make (get an Edelbrock Pro Flo EFI system and remove this intake, or get an E-Street EFI system like on my Mach 1 – good problem to have, I think).

Everything’s disconnected on the engine, except the motor mounts, bell housing bolts, and exhaust manifold junctions to the pipes. This sucker’s almost ready to come out! Looks like it came from the factory as a beige Jeep. I guess the PO never pulled the brake system. The pedal also easily went to the floor with no air movement noises coming from the booster – got a new kit coming to replace it all… can’t have Dave leaving here with no brakes, after all.

No pedal, no steering column… looks like this Jeep’s not going anywhere any time soon. LOL!