Last Sunday: Well, it turns out my ‘starter’ problem was more of a weak battery issue. I hadn’t realized that the battery was over 6 years old (they don’t last that long around here). After spending a few weeks dreading having to crawl under the car to swap out the starter motor in 100+ temps, I figured I’d grab another starter solenoid (since the one on the car right now came from a buddy’s truck when the one I’d bought was bad out of the box). While I was at the O’Reilly’s, I thought about the battery situation and decided to bite the bullet and grab an Optima Red Top (they didn’t have any yellow tops). I got home and swapped out the batteries, figured I’d hit the key just for fun, and it fired right up – the starter sounded just as strong as ever (no lag… must’ve been the battery all along).
This morning I went out to the garage, put the key in the ignition, turned it, and it fired right up. So, I took it over to Cars & Coffee and had some breakfast while hangin’ out with my car-guy buddies.

Wow – someone needs to tell that old fat guy to lose some weight and quit setting his drinks on the windshield washer bottle.