So, a few years ago I built this cool shed on the side of my driveway, hoping it would eventually become a small shop in which I could permanently set up my airbrushing gear. Then, we basically made my mom get rid of her storage unit ($70/month bill she no longer had the money to pay), and her final leftovers wound in it while she was ‘going through the last bits.’ Well, as usual, she abandoned that since it was hot, in a place that she didn’t have to worry about it being destroyed or gone missing, and was boring so she didn’t want to do that anymore. That was sometime in late summer of 2016, and we’ve been waiting for her to finish ‘going through’ her crap ever since.
Last Friday, I decided I’d had enough of that and got busy on completing my small shop area. We boxed up the junk she’d covered our plastic table in, and basically shoved it aside so I could get the area I need cleaned out, organized, and ready for a transformation into functionality.
Saturday, I went to Harbor Freight and picked up 2 metal work benches, an airbrush compressor kit, some overhead shop lights, a 4′ power strip, and a few extension cords. Then I spent the weekend afternoons putting together the benches (as much as I could before it got too dark to continue) and got things somewhat situated in the shop area.
Here are the pics I took before working on it a bit more this afternoon.

The plan is for a corner piece for an airbrush booth to occupy (pretty much where the floor fan is currently), and to have plenty of light, along with an exhaust vent for the booth, and get it set up with some tunes and/or a small computer for reference/tunes. I’m also setting up a retractable electric cord in the garage to string out and plug-in the bench/lights so I’ll have some power available. Eventually, I’ll get an electrician to get some dedicated power at least close enough to plug-in the building as I need to without having to run the extension cord from the garage (although, I’m pretty sure there’s something in the builder’s code about not actually being legal to wire up a plastic building).
Stay tuned.