Got back at it this morning after a quick trip to Harbor Freight for a new body saw so I can trim the wheel well openings to install the cut-out ‘wackers (3rd one in just 13 years – 2 in various states of failure from cutting apart the Mach 1).
First things first – tightened up the valve cover bolts as they were barely finger-tight. I know it said to ‘not over-tighten’ them, but dang – there was a lot of ‘tightening’ left to do. Hopefully, that’s the end of of the oil leak.
So here’s where we were from yesterday – pulled the main harness loose and started in on cleaning everything up.

I had to relocate a few things on the driver side to tidy things up a bit (I know it doesn’t look like it, but this is an ‘in-progress’ pic). Still need to find the steering column bolt and get the rest of the main harness over here. The cool hard line for the vapor vent to the Edelbrock Hi-Flow fuel pump was captured between the column shifter hardware – that’s fixed now.

SUCCESS!! After running the ’78’ wire over to the starter solenoid, I learned that it needed connectivity to the ‘S’ terminal, not the main ‘Batt’ post I’d suspected (that turned everything on once the battery was connected). I also discovered the 1156 in the passenger side had given up, but I’d ordered some 1156 LEDs to replace them – SCORE! (I still need to modify the YJ hatch to work with the CJ tailgate, but that’s for another day)

Getting closer!