Dave – seriously, thanks again for all the hard work, motivation, brotherhood, and… just everything. I’m at a loss for words, considering all the time you spent traveling to get here (and must go to get back), all of the things you did to get us to this point with my back still being somewhat of a mess, and sticking with it to the end. All things considered, a Modela Chelada Limon, ‘Thanks,’ and ‘Love ya Brother,’ just doesn’t seem to cut it in my book. I’m also happy you hooked me up with your spare welder, and that I could set you up with a new HVAC unit for Klooge.
I still need to process what’s happened this entire week, and see if I can capture everything we did to get Dookie up and running (which I’ll do tomorrow), but for now, time for some pizza and a nice cold adult beverage!
After some more working on various things like the new power brake booster & master cylinder, Lokar kick-down cable and Ididit shifter cable for the transmission, we were able to take him for a spin. Here’s the video Dave took of the first roll-out with the new drive train:
We didn’t go far – just a quick trip over to a local convenience store for some celebratory frosty adult beverages and to top off the tank. Here are a couple of pics from Dookie’s inaugural V8/automatic road trip.

Unfortunately, shortly after this happy occasion, we had to put Klooge on his trailer so we could let Dave go home.