No good deed goes unpunished. My pal Dave is swapping my old 258 for a 360, which needs bracketry. Rather than pay top dollar for ratty old brackets off FleaBay, and since he’s become quite adept at fabrication, we talked and I offered to pull my alternator bracketry and make tracings/measurements to give him something to go on. Well, I pulled my alternator brackets and drew up the plans, and along the way of reinstalling, I now can’t get two bolts back in (one interferes with the water pump pulley), and I lost one of the bolts that holds my passenger side fender onto the grille… inside the grille itself. Also stabbed myself with the caliper (not bad, just pissed me off). So tomorrow, gotta re-reinstall the alternator bracketry and find that missing bolt just to get back to where I was when I started today.