Well, it’s been trying to rain all day, and finally started back in on it. Figured it would be a good day to chase down what’s what on the decrepit engine harness I got stuck with from Klooge. The previous owners ‘Redneck Engineered’ what they wanted/needed to make it run while they had it (“Hacked and Slashed,” more like), as well as changed color of Klooge (from Saxon Yellow to Black – can’t say I blame ’em there) and didn’t bother removing or taping off the harness when they did. Used a voltmeter and a ’79 Tech Service Manual wiring diagram to ‘Ohm Out’ all the wires back to the bulkhead connector and label everything, and here’s what I came up with. Now, I just need to get a few connectors for the specific things these wires work with, then I can properly repair it all so it doesn’t go up in flames when I try to start it.