Almost got the steering column back together today. It was missing some key pieces when I picked up the Jeep, so I need to track a few more small parts down, and it should be GTG. I love being able to jam with Dennis Allen at KWFR The Fire on these weekdays off… it’s like he’s right there helping me along playing all the best tunes! Thanks again, Brother!
All cleaned up and painted, loaded up with the signal combination switch, ignition switch, and key/lock switch. The surface rust on the shifter stalk came right off, along with the schmootz on the tilt stalk. Just gotta find a shifter knob, signal stalk, hazard switch button, steering wheel nut & spacer, then it should all go back together and will be ready to toss in the Jeep.

Here’s the automatic shifter indicator from the original column, found in a box in the back of the Jeep. The previous owners had broken it off, so it looks like I might need to epoxy it back on, or come up with something else, but it cleaned up really nice (all you could see was dirt in the window. Gotta find a new bulb and clean up the socket for it to work again.