I got started this weekend tearing things down, starting with the peripheral things (wires, alternator, power steering pump, pulleys, etc.).
Looks like someone forgot to use dielectric grease on the boots. LOL!When you lose the spacer for the alternator bracket, you improvise. LOL!When the belt’s been on so long it remembers where it wants to be indexed.This water pump’s toast… all gritty inside when it spins.Nice to see the oil pan’s not smashed in… unlike the one that came with my Mustang. Well, it’s official – it’s a 304!Got the pan off, cleaned up the old gasket on both the pan and the engine mounting surface. I put a wrench on the crank and turned it over, which was smooth as butter and each of the cylinders ‘hissed’ like they’re supposed to – so, BONUS! Then popped the cap on the rear main to replace the seal, but time got away from me searching for my torque wrench and it started getting dark (earlier than normal… Gee – wonder why). So, no more pics for today.