So here’s the map mural side after distressing the crap out of it. She likes it like this, but there’s a Horde shield I was planning on adding. (see the next pic)

Here it is with the Horde shield my buddy Rob Mrowiec made with his 3D printer. Just sanded the top surfaces and like it like this. (temporarily taped on since I lost the glue gun)

I went a little nuts with the Dremel and etched the window

Here’s the front with the Horde symbol Rob Mrowiec made with his 3D printer. Sanded the surface and thought it looked awesome just like this.

The red lit fans aren’t doing exactly what I wanted them to do, but looks a lot cooler than this pic.

Here we are all lit up – kinda hard to get the full effect with the shop lights being so bright.

I put my thumb over the camera flash and turned out the shop lights – looks pretty cool.

Top down with the blow hole fans.

I don’t know… I like it better with the Horde shield.