Well, I got the trim cleaned up quite a bit between the use of isopropyl alcohol and liberal use of fine tip Sharpies. I also took the Molotow 1mm Chrome Pen to the emblems, door handles, locks, and the hood ornament. I used the chrome pen, then the red fine tip Sharpie, then the blue, then a toothpick since the white paint pen tip was too big – not a decal! The original car had burn thru places from the detailer hitting it too hard with the buffer on the real car, so those burn-thru spots are actually somewhat authentic, even though they’re a side-effect of too much polishing.

I cut the .05mm fine tip black pen down to a wedge shaped tip and hit the seams on the doors, hatchback, and gas filler door, which came out OK… maybe a little too much on the hatch seam, though. Still gotta paint the reverse lights, but I’m liking how it’s coming out.

Getting pretty close to putting it all together!
Read more: http://jerryscherrys.freeforums.net/thread/6754/1982-mustang-gl-tribute?page=2#ixzz5iTxMuAKq