I wasn’t happy that the kit had no provisions for any kind of sychronized steering (both front wheels are turnable, but kind of pointed off in whatever direction they wanted like Marty Feldman’s eyes). My solution, make a scratch-built rack & pinion to hide the incorrect tie rod I made using a paperclip. I ran the ‘clip through the inside of one of those straws that came on a WD-40 can.

Since I’d already painted up the interior panels/engine aprons, I decided to add some details as well in the way of electrical harness runs, brake lines, some hoses, battery cables, the battery and washer bottle, and cut some slots in the firewall for the paper clip hood hinges I had to make as well. I also added a couple of hoses to the air cleaner which I’ll hook up to ‘something’ under the hood once it all goes together. On the interior, added the carpet panels on the lower door panels, along with the window cranks, door handles, and the little trim pieces. There wasn’t a lot of decoration in these cars.