OK – pretty much got the passenger quarter panel back off (since I’d messed it up during installation, and messed it up worse trying to “un-mess it up”). Still need to get the last bits and repair the metal underneath.

Here’s the top of the driver side windshield frame (“A-pillar”). The factory used lead to fill the seam and I’m guessing it popped out when the car was hit (when the previous owners had it). Gotta fix it, and I’m hoping to get some advice from my 7173Mustangs friends – rather that just slop in a big wad of Bondo and hope for the best.

Driver side rocker panel rust damage.

More driver side rocker panel rust damage.

I made patches to bond from the backside with 3M Panel Adhesive – then I’ll make some more to fill the holes – because I suck at butt-welding sheet metal.