Here’s the e-brake idler bracket I lost when I pulled out what was left of the floor. Got a new one with the ‘C’ clip and welded it in this morning.

This is the other side, where the e-brake cable passes through the frame rail and goes into the car through the floor. I lost that bracket as well, and had to fabricate one this morning to make the cable work right.

The engine is ready to go in – FINALLY! Got it off the stand and onto the hoist. Lookin’ good so far.

It’s IN!! From the time it took to get it off the stand to where it is now took roughly 10 minutes. Easiest transplant ever! Much thanks to Jim, Tony, and Jason for doing pretty much everything – I just fetched a hammer and basically watched while they put it in.

A nice shot through the open hole of the radiator core support. Shouldn’t be too long before it’s time to fire it up. Still gotta put in the transmission, exhaust system and the rest of the engine goodies before that can happen though.

Here’s the AOD out of a friend’s ’89 5.0 Mustang after a ton of cleaning. Looks almost brand new! Can’t wait to stuff it into the Rustang – oops, Frankenstang!

Got it in! Here’s the new view from under the car. The new bracket is ginked just a little, but everything fits just like it’s supposed to. Can’t wait to get the shifter, linkage, cooling lines, and everything on there.

With the tranny going in, the engine rotated a little further forward to fit in the Monte Carlo bar… but it’s REAL close to the top of the distributor cap. I might have to go with a different one with a ‘dizzy’ bend, or maybe modify this one a little.