Grab something to drink, this will take awhile.
Where do I start? I guess your 'real' life begins at the end of high
Well, I graduated Alta High School in Sandy, Utah, June 1986 and had
already joined the Air Force on the Delayed Enlistment Program during
my senior year. I studied Drafting, mostly Architectural, to no end in
high school and was skilled enough to compete through the Vocational
Industrial Clubs of America (VICA). I had won both Regional and State
competitions, then placed third overall in the National Skill
Olympics, held in Phoenix, Arizona in June 1986. I was also part of
the Opening & Closing Ceremonies team from Alta, and our team had
placed 2nd in Regionals, and 1st in State competition - for which we
also competed in Arizona that year but failed to place - the other
teams were just that much better.
I was promised a drafting career in the Air Force by my recruiter. As
most military recruiter horror stories go, I got hosed by the Air
Force. My color-vision test failures at the time prevented me from
going into the drafting field for the Air Force, so my recruiter
suggested I try going in under the Open General category. He had a
friend at Lackland AFB (USAF Basic Military Training Center) who was
in the career classification field who could authorize a waiver for my
color vision and get me into the drafting field. When I got there,
this guy was unreceptive to this 'exception' because his friendship
with my recruiter had gone sour at some point that he had failed to
notify my recruiter of. He had also decided that he would be in charge
of my fate with the Air Force and determined that I would become a
computer operator - against my wishes of now becoming a Security
Policeman, and later an Aircrew Life Support Specialist - hey, like
Tom Hanks said in Turner and Hooch, "If you're not involved in flying
while in the Air Force, you'll be scraping bird shit off a runway in
Guam or something." Ironically, I later passed those color-vision
tests - probably not apparent by my choice of colors on these pages,
So, after getting my career hopes bent over the table by this toad, I
completed Basic Training and was shipped off to Keesler AFB,
Mississippi to learn how to become a computer operator. Keesler as a
base is not the greatest, but not too bad. Mississippi on the whole
wasn't bad, either...but I was there during the crappiest time of the
year - December through mid-February. The weather absolutely sucks
that time of the year. I'm also told by a good friend who lives there
now that Mississippi pretty much sucks.
After Tech School, I was assigned to Holloman AFB, New Mexico, where I
spent the next 2 and 1/2 years working in the last non-automated
Communications Center in the CONUS Air Force - which sucked beyond all
belief. The good news was that Alamogordo, NM (the town outside the
base - way outside the base...) was too small, but adequate to pass
the time. I discovered just how cool people from different parts of
the country could be as I made many friends. I had some girl trouble
in there that took awhile to get over and I also bought a 1982 Mustang
and poured most of my meager E-2 and E-3 income into it, to transform
it from the painfully boring stock model that it was, into the much
better, sportier looking version you'll see elsewhere on this site.
I was initially unreceptive to going overseas, but after my Holloman
best friend Larry Stirling had shared his experiences overseas with
me, I was gaining a new interest in leaving the States. The end of my
assignment at Holloman had me going overseas to Izmir, Turkey for 15
months. I had worked with several guys that had been to Izmir, and
they raved about the place. Things were looking good, except that I
would have to store my car - what a pisser.
August 1989, I reached Izmir and hooked up with another Holloman
buddy, Howard Spencer (Spence), and we shared an apartment. I kind of
hosed him because later I moved out on him because he was a slob. Of
course, so was I, but not to his extent - sorry Dude. I moved in with
a co-worker (Bob Earl) and discovered that we were both pretty much
slobs as well - oh well, the rent was cheaper with Bob anyway.
Hindsight would've told me to stay with Spence...3 words: location,
location, location.
My tour in Izmir, was absolutely wonderful. I had a great time, lived
like a king (slob) on E-3 and E-4 income, bought a monster stereo and
furniture (which I left in Turkey because of the cigarette burns
(thanks, Spence) and missed my car the whole time. I had actually put
in to stay in Izmir another tour, but that got shot down and I wound
up with an assignment to Ghedi-Torre AB, Italy. Cool. Ghedi was an
Italian Air Base about an hour east of Milan and 2-3 hours south of
the Swiss border just outside of a town called Brescia. My plan then
was to come home, get my car, take it to Italy and have a ball living
in Europe the rest of my career. Except that after Desert Shield
started, I made a mistake at work and nobody caught it. This resulted
in me receiving an Article 15 right before I was to leave Izmir. No
problem - it was only a 6 month suspended 'bust' and I would be fine
if I kept my nose clean during that 6 months. Most agreed that it was
crap, but something had to be done and to somebody..."Everybody except
Eric take one step back." Time to leave Izmir, and a major bummer...
Hello, Italy?
I went home on leave in November 1990, and got my car out of storage.
Because I had never stored a car before, I forgot to have my lifelong
best friend Bob occasionally start it and drive it around, so when I
got home 15 months later, things were going to be bad. All of the
engine seals had dried out a bit, causing leaks and all sorts of other
problems that had surfaced. So, instead of taking $700 to rebuild the
engine and get the car back into shape, I figured I'd save a bundle of
money and buy a $7000 4x4 truck. I always have sucked at math...
I got the truck a few days after an NCO called me from Randolph AFB -
the Air Force assignment capitol. He asked me if I remembered my
assignment to Italy...I asked him what he meant by "remembered..." and
he informed me that it had just been cancelled - that Article 15 had
just bit me in the ass. He also asked me if I wanted to amend my
"Dream Sheet" (assignment preference worksheet) over the phone, and I
told him to put down Dyess AFB, Texas, since my pal Bob was currently
assigned there - what the Hell, it would be fun to hang out with Bob
A few days later I get the call to report to Goodfellow AFB, TX - to
which the guy who called me, being in San Antonio, TX, had no idea
where exactly Goodfellow or San Angelo was. Nice.
I piled everything into my truck and drove to Dyess to visit Bob and
his Fiance', Kim, who was visiting for the holidays. After a few days
of visiting with Bob and his buddies, I drove to San Angelo, Texas -
home of Goodfellow AFB. This was January 1991, and I've been here
Goodfellow on the whole from day one, was a disappointment since the
base is an Air Force training base. Everybody I had encountered in my
career to that point had said, "whatever you do, don't get stuck on an
AETC base." Pissed about losing my assignment to Italy, I soon
discovered what they meant by that statement.
Case in point, I was here almost 10 month before the rocket scientists
at the Traffic Management Office (household goods shipping) finally
figured out how to get my stuff to me (monster stereo, clothes, and
everything I owned that I didn't have on or in my truck when I got
here). After the packers took what they wanted from my crate, I had
lost about $4000 in electronics and various other things from my
stuff. They had put the things they wanted on page 2 of my shipping
documents and never turned page 2 in to the shipping office in Izmir.
Clever. Never got reimbursed, either. Oh well, it's just stuff.
I let a friend borrow my truck while I was on leave later that April
attending Bob and Kim's wedding, and came back to a blown clutch,
broken window, and missing stereo. That could've been avoided if his
friends hadn't blown him off and somehow gotten my truck back to the
base, but no - they were too busy having fun and it wasn't their car.
He generously payed to repair the clutch, and my insurance company
covered the stereo and damage - after some major problems...GEICO was
the insurance company - FYI.
Shortly after that, I started seeing this somewhat disagreeable woman
I had worked with - we bickered on a daily basis when I first starting
working in the Communications Center. I guess what they say about
Opposites Attract actually might have something to it. Eventually,
things got serious enough for the supervisors to notice and I was
moved to a new workcenter - which was a good move from the CommCenter.
After several changes of heart, break-ups, reunions, and overall
weirdness that she is more than ready to remind me of to this day, I
finally asked her to marry me. This was 7 years to the day when I
first wrote this, and despite the occasional 'normal' oddities, worth
every day of it.
I would introduce you to her, but she's a private person and I want to
make sure we choose the right stuff to post - it's her decision what
gets put on this site about her and that's only fair.
About a year and a half after we got married, my Mom was having some
financial problems back in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she had taken
over my Grandmother's home after she passed on in the fall of 1991.
These problems were in no small way attributed to the group of people
I'm supposed to call a family. Between moving in and out every few
months, not helping with bills, bilking her for money when they could,
helping themselves to what little she had without recoup, and trying
to make her feel guilty because she wasn't doing more to help them, I
pretty much dropped the axe on any relations with these people -
mostly because of the crap they put my Mom through, but also as a
little bit of future self-preservation - I'd hate to fall into the
same situation my Mom did trying to help family members and getting
taken advantage of. I won't put up with nearly as much as she did. I
know it sounds cold, but when you've been there, you'll understand.
Anyway, we offered her the chance to regroup by coming to Texas and
live with us while she got her life back together. We finally moved
her here in August 1994. Over the next few years, this caused some
tension with all of us, since Mom took this as her opportunity to
relax and did nothing to better her situation. She had somewhat of a
bad attitude when she got here because now she was living with us and
had to adapt to our way of life, instead of us hers. This caused
tension between us and even threatened to ruin our relationship as we
were not getting along.
Somewhere in there, I also had problems with my Nissan truck and had
to get rid of it. I wound up with a basket-case '78 Blazer, which was
nothing but trouble and expensive - and definitely not appreciated by
my wife - can't say I blame her now, either. I will chalk the Blazer
up as a major learning experience - I had never torn a vehicle apart
to the point I did with the Blazer up til that time...I guess I wasn't
afraid of making it worse or something. But it was a valuable learning
experience, and if nothing else, a major confidence builder in my
automotive skills. After only 8 months, I found my Jeep and ditched
the Blazer.
After about 4 1/2 years, we finally "kicked Mom out" on her own, made
her get her own place, job, and life, and she'd been doing fantastic
ever since. I've actually been feeling a whole lot better about the
situation - she had strained our relationship by putting the
responsibility of her support in my lap - and we've made the efforts
to repair our relationship - well, the problems were mostly on my end
because I felt let down that my Mom had basically given up on living
life for herself, and felt that I now had the job of making sure she
had a good life - and she was only 50. Needless to say, things are
better with my Mom and I.
Sometime during the summer of 1996, coming up on the ten-year point of
my Air Force career, my wife and I made the decision for me to get
out. I was still an E-4 Sergeant and testing for E-5 one last time, to
determine if I would continue my mediocre career or get out under the
Air Force's new "High Year Tenure" program - which caps all E-4's
careers at 10 years. And honestly, if you haven't made SSgt by then,
well - you kind of should get out anyway.
Anyway, I took the test, didn't pass (didn't study... didn't care),
and received a Severance Pay package on the way out. This helped pay
some bills and get us set up to buy a house. We had been renting the
whole time we've been married, and that had gotten way old with some
of the problems we had with a few of our landlords. Meanwhile, a close
friend had a job opening with his company that worked to maintain one
of the computer systems on the base, and he offered it to me with the
promise of training. I took the job, got the training, and worked in
that job for around 9 years, in one capacity or another. I'd changed companies
like 5 times as contract obligations change, even though my duties
and even my desk remained in-place. In May '04 I took a shot at Civil
Service duty for a year... which didn't pan out because of budgeting
issues at the base. Another contractor had a presence in the office,
and offered to hire all of us temp-hires... which worked out to keep
paying the bills for another 2.5 years. I'd been working toward getting another shot at a Civil Service
slot and it came along when the office Chief moved on to a new
position with the Comm Squadron, but the squadron went a different
direction, despite my unique qualifications for the job. I'd also
applied for another position in the Training Group Special Security
Office... and somehow actually got it. Did NOT see that coming,
but it turned out to be a much better deal than what I was wanting at
the time. I've been in the position of Information Systems
Security Manager since September 2007, and I can honestly see myself
retiring in that position, if not moving one step up before I'm
finally done.
My wife is no longer active duty and we'll be here until
something comes along to make us move away, so things are working out
pretty well for now - except I've long since grown tired of West
Texas. I've always wanted a change of scenery, but things have worked
themselves out to where I just can't imagine moving away
right now - things have worked out to where we're pretty comfortable
and I've found some pretty major things to keep me occupied in the way
of my involvement with the San Angelo Community Band and Ice House
Brass. I also have a LOT of really awesome friends here, and I
can't imagine leaving them any time soon either. So... I guess
I'm stuck... OK maybe more like, pretty comfortably secure in
everything I have going on. I'll never claim Texas as 'Home,'
but I certainly don't hate being here anymore.
We bought our house and moved into it right after Christmas 1996 -
nice Christmas present, eh? My wife had also suggested I buy another
truck, since it was getting old borrowing truck services from friends
so equipped. I was worried about having to ditch my Jeep, but she
insisted I keep the Jeep and get a 'beater' truck - I chose another
1985 Nissan 4x4. It worked out well on timing since I blew the Jeep's
transmission shortly afterwards. Soon after that, her '88 Grand Am was
showing its age and we decided to get her another car. We picked out a
'96 Z-24 Cavalier, and it was awesome. Then later the next year, after
I almost had the Jeep back together, I blew the engine in the Nissan.
So in 1998, I learned and practiced new mechanical skills by
rebuilding the truck's engine and the Jeep's transmission.
Everything's good now.
I've since sold the Nissan, and bought a '97 Dodge Ram 4x4 to replace
it after one company change landed me a $7,000 raise. I love the Ram
and plan to drive the wheels off it... then glue some new ones on and
drive it some more. Back in 2002, we had some severe weather that
wreaked $27,000 in damage on us, including over $5K damage to the Ram,
totalling her Z-24, and the rest in damages to the new car and house.
The first storm forced us to sell the Z-24 and pick up a new car. We
found a nice 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, which is just what we need -
sporty and bigger, but not a 'middle-age' car. But then the third
storm damaged it and our roof as well. We've gotten it all fixed, but
still tense up a bit when the storm clouds roll in. The weather in
West Texas sucks... plain and simple. Actually, I have to update
and say that I've since sold the '97 Ram, and I'm now driving a 2012
Ram - same truck pretty much, just not 4WD. I've also restored a
1971 Mach 1 Mustang, which I continue to finish doing little things on
it, but mostly enjoy taking it to local car shows and taking joy-rides
around town. Still have a few things to finish up, but it won't
take much longer.
All in all, my life has been pretty uneventful up to this point,
despite the little nuances that come with the package deal. If given
the opportunity to do it over again, I'd have to say No, unless I
could change only a few of the crappy things that happened (the whole
Drafting thing with the recruiter, the girl trouble, the Article 15,
moving my Mom in, stuff like that...), but otherwise, I guess I'm
pretty happy. Every now and then when I get down, I think about those
who are not as fortunate as we are (you're on a computer surfing the
'Net and reading this after all - which is pretty fortunate if you
really think about it), and I feel way better about my life. I've also
joined the San Angelo Community Band and Ice House Brass Band, in
effort to reclaim some enjoyment from the days when I was in the
school band. I've also purchased a couple of horns, so I have my own
instruments finally and I'm having a lot of fun with the groups. I see
this continuing for many years to come.
Summer 2006 also marked 20 years since graduating high school, and the
planning of our class reunion moved right along with the aid of the
website I made to help bring the classmates together and get the
information out. The reunion was a blast and we had lots of fun. I won
an iPod Nano as a prize for having driven the farthest to attend and
had fun catching up with a bunch of my old friends. Lots of fun to be
sure, but I couldn't help but notice how most of the same people
congregated right back toward their little groups. It was
interesting sitting back watching that all unfold. I guess I
really never 'belonged' to any one particular group after all, but
rather seemed to get along with just about everybody.In 2017, my
boss asked me if I wanted a new challenge, and I became the Chief of
Personnel Security. That was kind of fun, a LOT different from
being the Site ISSM, and I was suddenly in a supervisory position,
writing evaluation reports on 5 people, rather than just 1 (despite
helping my boss write the evals on ALL of the SSO team, because of his
low-vision issues and the non-accommodating nature of the online
evaluation system. All was good until COVID hit, then we were
faced with all sorts of new challenges, one of which involved the
boss, with his compromised immunity system, being on administrative
leave (since telework was not an option). After stepping up to
effectively run the SSO in his stead, I was selected to replace him
when he made the decision to retire from Federal service in the summer
of 2020.
A short time later around Labor Day, my Mom fell ill and wound up
the hospital due to non-COVID complications of her Parkinson's
catching up with her. She was no longer able to take care of
herself, so after spending a few weeks in the hospital, she was placed
into a rehab/assisted living center. After taking over
responsibility to ensure her expenses were paid (just paying them with
her money), we saw the writing on the wall and started the process of
cleaning out her apartment. She contracted COVID around
Thanksgiving 2020, and weathered that with not much more than the
sniffles and a scratchy throat (which shold bode well for me, I would
think). So, we spent our first Thanksgiving and Christmas
without Mom, and got into 2021 still working on emptying her
apartment, when we got the call to come to the hospital on 15 January.
When we arrived, she was already gone, but on life support, so we
contacted a priest to ensure she received Last Rites, and finally let
her go shortly after midnight. I thought I would've been more
distraught and upset, but it was all more feeling 'relieved' than
anything, that she would not be suffering any more.
It's funny how much you learn about people when you have to go
through their stuff once they're gone. After collecting and
sorting through all of the old pictures, mementos, news clippings, and
official documents, we discovered a LOT of inaccuracies in various
things I'd been told growing up. A great deal of those things
had been relayed to me by both my Mom and Grandma, and because of the
sources, why would I ever need to question them? Well, after
learning all of these things, I decided to question a few, and when
the answers came back to be completely different than what I'd been
told, I'm left with some mixed feelings... mostly about the estranged
relationship with my father. He'd been made out to be this
monster that wanted nothing to do with me, but would stop and nothing
to torment my Mom and even threaten to take me away and/or disappear
me just to get back at her. Surely not. Well, one thing
that had been bugging me was my [alledged] allergy to penicillin -
funny how I can eat blue cheese, and suffer no ill-effects. So,
during a regular check-up with my Doctor, I asked if there was any way
to know for sure, and he ordered a blood test. When I received
the results on Friday, 7 Feb 2025 that I was not, nor ever was,
allergic to penicillin, I decided that was the last straw and decided
to reach out to my father for clarification and his side of all those
stories I'd heard growing up with I now am compelled to question.
I've gotten in touch with his wife and will be having a conversation
with him tomorrow evening (10 Feb 2025).
My hopes for the future, other than winning the lottery and making it
to work on time, are to eventually be able to move back to Salt Lake
City, Utah - as it's on the top of the list of places I want to live -
according to my limited geographical experiences. I used to think that
was the most important thing on my list, but I think I'm more resolved
that I don't want to move back until after I'm in a position where a
comfortable income is not an issue. I haven't ever really lived
in SLC while I had to work, after all - pretty much just all been
leisure time. All-in-all,
I'm starting to not worry so much about where we end up as long as
life stays good. Hopefully, I'll also find a way to become less
long-winded as well.
As you read this, please understand that this is only a sample of some
of the things that have gone on since leaving the "nest." And since we
always key in on the significant stuff that can seem bad, I've
forgotten to add the really good stuff here. Here's a lame timeline
graphic that hopefully puts this monster novel into perspective. Soon,
all of the sections will be linked HTML pages so that you can pick and
choose what to read about. Plus, I think it's a more accurate
depiction of what's gone on, since this jumps around a bit. Thanks for
Occupation |
Job Description |
Marital Status |
Housing |
Non-Professional Affiliations |
Vehicles |
Contractor |
DoD |
Daily Driver |
1986 |
3C0X1 Comm. Computer Operator |
Single |
Dormitories |
1987 |
Holloman AFB, NM |
1982 Mustang GL |
1988 |
1989 |
Izmir, Turkey |
Apartment |
1990 |
1991 |
Goodfellow AFB,
TX |
Dormitories |
1985 Nissan 4x4 |
1992 |
Married |
Rental Homes |
1993 |
1994 |
1978 Blazer |
Manager |
1995 |
1980 Jeep
CJ-7 |
1996 |
Concho 4 Wheelers |
Mantech |
Technician |
1997 |
Purchased Home |
1985 Nissan King
Cab 4x4 |
1998 |
1999 |
L3 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
ACS Defense |
2003 |
Lockheed Martin |
Concho Valley AITP |
1997 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 |
2004 |
316 TRS |
Webmaster |
2005 |
San Angelo Community Band |
Ice House Brass |
1995 Honda Civic VX |
General Dynamics |
2006 |
2007 |
17 TRG |
Site Info Systems Security
Manager |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
1971 Mustang Mach 1 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2012 Ram 1500 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Chief of Personnel Security |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Chief of Special Security |
2021 Ram 1500 Longhorn 4x4 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |

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